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Capturing Transactions undertaken on Public Holidays

Hello Group Members,

There are two alternate methods to capture transactions undertaken on Public Holidays in IDEA.
One - perform a Direct Extraction using the criteria/expression ~
(@day(FIELDNAME)=25 .AND. @month(FIELDNAME)=12) .OR. (@day(FIELDNAME)=15 .AND. @month(FIELDNAME)=8)
The criteria/expression above covers 25th December with 15th August. It can be extended to include more holidays. This is the criteria based method.
Two - prepare a MS-Excel file with a single field Holiday Date which can include dates like 25.12.2018, 15.08.2018....and import the same to IDEA
Join your active database in IDEA containing list of Transactions with the Holiday MS-Excel file prepared on the field Transaction Date from the Transactions file and Holiday Date from the Secondary file. This is a convenient non criteria/expression based method to capture transactions undertaken on Public Holidays.
Best Regards
Group Admin Team