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This function is the opposite of the TrimStart custom function.  It will remove an ending character from a field.  The first parameter is the string or character field to remove the charcters from, the second parameter is the character to remove.  You would call the custom function in the equation editor using #TrimEnd(Character Field, Character to remove). 


Option Explicit Function TrimEnd(p1 As String,p2 As String) As String Dim i As Integer Dim tempString As String tempString = p1 For i = Len(p1) To 1 Step -1 If Mid(p1,i,1) = p2 Then tempString = Mid(p1, 1, i - 1) Else trimend = tempString Exit For End If Next i End Function

CB Thu, 10/25/2012 - 02:25

i have not made a function for this, but it is exactly the way i use it most time...

have a look:

Sub Main

Dim sText As String
Dim sCutLeft As String
Dim sCutRight As String

sText = "Hello World!"

'display sText without the first character
sCutLeft = iMid(sText, 2, iLen(sText))

'display sText without the last character
sCutRight = iMid(sText, 1, iLen(sText)-1)

MsgBox sText, 0, "Original Text"
MsgBox sCutLeft, 0, "Cut from Left"
MsgBox sCutRight, 0, "Cut from Right"

End Sub
