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Is it possible to export multiply IMD files to one Excel files in different worksheet tabs?
And is there a good guide on how to use VBA Excel? I want to add more worksheets tabs and add text to the diffrent worksheet tabs. I got this far with Google:
Sub Main
Dim ExcelSheet As Object
Set ExcelSheet = CreateObject("Excel.Sheet")
ExcelSheet.Application.Visible = False
ExcelSheet.Application.Cells(1, 1).Value = "This is column A, row 1"
ExcelSheet.SaveAs "H:\!OHW\IDEA\Test Project 01 (9999990)\Exports.ILB\TEST.xlsx"
Set ExcelSheet = Nothing
End Sub 

Brian Element Fri, 07/19/2019 - 09:10

Hi Robert, do you have access to the CaseWare IDEA Passport site?  There is a script there that does this.

Also here is a discussion on this site about it:

Unfortunately there is no good guide, I found all my info my using google.  There are some discussions on this site about using Excel if you do a search on Excel.  Here is one of the discussions with some sample code to get you started.

Robert van den… Mon, 07/22/2019 - 09:58

In reply to by Brian Element

thanks for your reaction, i got a little further with google and mostly a youtube channel where little pieces of specific code are showed and explained.
At the moment everytime i add a analysis to my script i need to manually add table of contents (excel file). I want that excel file being build from the script, so that every time i add a new analysis i can't forget it to add it to the table of contents. I hope you understand it because my Englisch isn't very good ;)