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Grouping values from consecutive records into 1 record

Hello all,
Below is one of the table that i use in my analysis.The table contain some unique reference number in first column and some additional reference data in column 2.
What I am trying to achieve is to make sure that for every unique reference number (URN) in column 1 that occurs multiple times (more than one) the values from column 2 can be displayed in the same record. In the above example I would like see a new table in which UNR: 29746 will be located in first column and in the next column of the same record it should be displayed: 0,333. 0 and 333 can be displayed in 2 separate columns.
I tried using loop going through the recordset of records in IDEA to identify multiple URN and then copy associated values from the adjacent columne but it doesnt work correctly. 
Any help is much apprieciated.