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IDEA V10 - What would you like to see in the next version

I thought I would start a discussion on what we would like to see in the next version of IDEA now that version 9 is out.  Please feel free to add to the list.

Two things for me is the Group Records option.  You create a group and once you click Grouping Off you have to recreate the group again, be nice to have a list of groups that you have already created so you don't have to recreate them each time.  Also be fun to be able to be able to save transactions in one or more groupings into another database.  Basically hooking this up with the Key Value Extraction.

The second thing I would love to see is the IDEAScripting IDE updated so that it has code completion, help, etc.  Much like the IDE in Excel or some other IDEs such as NetBeans.

Steven Luciani Mon, 02/25/2013 - 15:09

I'd like to see quick stats like Excel where you highlight a group of numbers in a data set and somewhere on the screen you get the total of the numbers. This would be very helpful for reconciling account groupings to paper copy financial statements. Something I do quite often.

Steven Luciani Mon, 02/25/2013 - 15:12

Having the ability to choose between the .AND. and .OR. boolean operators on the display all records containing window.

Brian Element Tue, 09/03/2013 - 07:15

For the IDEAScripting dialog I would like to have more control over the different elements in the dialog.  Such as the placement of text in the text / edit fields, is it left, right or centre aligned.  Also having options for colours.  Maybe having tabs in the dialog so you could have one dialog with multiple pages that you could switch between with tabs instead of having to create separate dialogs.

Brian Element Wed, 09/25/2013 - 07:28

A request to disable pop-ups in IDEAScript so that the pop-up won't stop the script.  It would also be good to know what pop-up was suppressed, such as in this example that a view could not be used because of incorrect field names.

Brian Element Wed, 09/25/2013 - 07:30

Return of the code for the action field.  This was an undocumented feature in V8 of IDEA in which you could create an action field using IDEAScript.  Unfortunately this was removed in V9, it would be good to have this back.

ecarlile Mon, 11/24/2014 - 08:29

Thread is a little old but... I would love to be able to run Report Reader, while doing work in IDEA. This would be great especially when importing large PDF files that can take a few hours.

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