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Importing limited portion of multiple PDF having different lenght.

Good morning I am trying to import just a specific portion of the PDF file that have the same structure but different lenght due to the number of paycodes used by the clients.
I need to retreive the transaction as per layer in the picture 1 and stop doing at the point of the picture 2
I have created the a two layers template to get a file with an indicator,  the layer of the picture 2 was meant to give me some marking point as to where to split the outputfile and get only transactions needed. Picture 3
The export did not gave me the desired output.
Unfortunately I don't have access to a comlpete guide as to how to use the pdf importing tool. 
Is there any mean to set a layer that gives me back only certain part of the file?
I have to do it for 54 (at the moment) clients. I suppose that I have to merge all the files in one and then run the import, therefore it is essential for me to get just what I need or at least to import a file that has an indicator as to where to split it
Thanks for your help.

Brian Element Thu, 02/06/2020 - 07:53

Hi Vitopiepoli

For the items relating to the All Pay fields you need to select "Use value from previous record" under the attributes - blank cells.  I think that will do what you are looking for.

Also if you look where IDEA was installed there is a pdf on how to use the Report Reader.  This is the location for IDEA 10, IDEA 11 would be stored a bit in a different folder.

VITOPIEPOLI Thu, 02/06/2020 - 09:19

Hi Brian,
Thank you for your reply.
Unfortunately it did not work becasue the ALL Pay field is in a layer 2.
I created 2 layers in order to be able to capture the transactions.
As per the documentation,  I am running IDEA on a shared service served that does not give eccess to the installation folders, therefore I am not able to get it.
Is there another way to retrieve it? I tried to look for in Passport portal but I could not find it.
Thank you again.

Brian Element Thu, 02/06/2020 - 11:28

That is strange as the reason you would use the value from previous record is because it is the second layer and it gets attached to the transactions.  

For the problem of accessing the file, that I don't know the details, that type of question you probably need to discuss with IDEA support.

If you have anything to share let me know and I can try it out.