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Powerful Functions for Reconciliation of Disparate Databases


IDEA allows users to work with data files across disparate application systems and databases. The only requirement is a common unique linking field of any type (Numeric, Date, Character, Time or combination of these fields too) between the files to be linked.
Let us say you have an internal ERP generated spreadsheet file representing 'Withholding Tax Deductions' for the financial year 2014-15.
On the other end you have an Adobe-PDF file representing 'Withholding Tax Paid' from the Returns uploaded to the Treasury website for the financial year 2014-15.
Both the files have a common unique linking field which is the Unique Transaction Number as an example.
Using IDEA's 'Join' both the files can be linked on the Unique Transaction Number. Using the match options like 'Records with No Primary Match' and 'Records with No Secondary Match' reports can be prepared on 'Withholding Tax Deductions not reflecting in the entity books of accounts' or 'Withholding Tax Deductions paid and uploaded through online returns but not appearing in the Treasury website' respectively.
Using 'Matches Only' 'Withholding Tax Deducted and Paid' can be brought together in one file for additional checks on value deducted and value paid/uploaded.
At times many smaller value deductions may be clubbed and paid at one tranche to the Treasury website. Here we come across a many to one relation or perhaps a many to many relation. In such a situation IDEA's 'Compare' can be applied to link files having a many to one, one to many or many to many relationship. 'Compare' groups and links the data in both files based on the common unique linking field. It is a combination of a Pivot and a V-Lookup from Excel.
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