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IDEA Analytics applied to Passenger Travel in Aviation


Aviation maintains detailed electronic record of passenger travel. The databases capture the following key information -
Passenger Name
Passenger Mobile
Passenger Email
Date of Travel
From City
To City
Travel Class
Seat Number
Flight Number
Departure Time
Arrival Time
Fare Paid
Payment Mode
With the key information listed above following insights can be gleaned from the data pertaining to passenger travel preferences.
(a) Passenger wise sector wise day wise preferential travel - Summarization
(b) Top travellers per sector, flight, day, month - Summarization followed by Top Records Extraction
(c) Passenger wise time bucket wise preferential travel - Field Manipulation and Summarization
(d) Count of passengers per date who are taking one stop two stop flights to reach their final destination - thus creating an imperative for new flight paths to tier 2, tier 3 cities - Summarization and Direct Extraction
(e) Sector wise flight wise month wise total count of bookings and total cancellations - Summarization and Join
(f) Travellers who book only one way flights - Direct Extraction
(g) Travellers who have stopped travelling after a given month - Join
(h) Traveller wise seat preference - Summarization
(i) Month wise date wise sector wise bucket analysis of count of bookings versus fare collected - Stratification
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