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T & E - Oversight on Top Claim Recipients through IDEA Software



IDEA can be applied to gain oversight into the top Travel & Entertainment (T&E) claim recipients in any given period.


So let us say you would like a report on Employees who are receiving more than 'x' % of T & E claims individually as a percentage of the total departmental claims for a period.


Following would be the procedure in IDEA to get the report on the Claim File -


a. Append a virtual numeric field for year using @year(ClaimDate)


b. Append a virtual numeric field for month using @month(ClaimDate)


c. Perform a Summarization with Fields to Summarize being Year, then Month, then Department, then Employee ID and Employee Name. Choose Fields to Total On as Claim Amount - this will give you a report of individual employee wise travel claim summary for each year month and department


d. Now perform a Summarization with Fields to Summarize being Year, then Month, then Department. Choose Fields to Total On as Claim Amount - this will give you a report of department wise travel claim summary for each year month.


e. Now Join the database from step c with the database from step d with matching key field being Year, Month and Department - the report will provide a comprehensive report of year wise month wise individual employee claim summary to departmental claim summary for the same period


f. Now append a virtual numeric field for percentage of individual claim summary to departmental claim summary using criteria ClaimAmountSum/ClaimAmountSum1*100


g. Finally apply a Direct Extraction to isolate all employees submitting total claims in any year month above 'x' % of the departmental claims.


Kind Regards

