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Bribery and Anti-Corruption Analytics - Suspicious/Prohibited Word Transaction Search in IDEA

One can use 'Search' within IDEA to look for suspicious Travel & Entertainment (T&E) claims or narrations in General Ledgers from a Bribery and Anti-Corruption Analytic view point.
In the 'Search' box you can enter the search string like -
*gift* OR *payola* OR *sweet* OR *solicit* OR *graft*
By simply adding the prohibited words of your choice as applicable to each destination country of business you can look for these words amongst combination of words in the narration field.
This test while effective will also throw up false positives like *solicit* will throw up narration/s containing the word 'solicitor' as an example.
So you need to start with 'Search' and based on the potential list of findings apply a Direct Extraction to exclude words like 'solicitor' amongst others using -
.NOT. @isini("solicitor", narration)
The second step - Direct Extraction should give you a manageable list of potential exceptions to validate.
Kind Regards