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Displaying Reference Fields by the side of Unique Records in a Summarization


Summarization allows you to group/total/cumulate IDEA databases by a single field or combination of fields. The end result - a set of unique records.
Now many a times the user would require a grouping along with specific reference fields to be displayed by the side of the unique records. This is required for better insight and visualization into the summarization database.
As an example - the user would like to have the count and value of advance recoveries from an employees loan account. Here the basic summarization would present the Employee ID along with the count and total value of advance recoveries for the year.
To bring further life to the summarization the user can click on Fields in the Summarization dialog box and select reference fields like Employee Name, Designation, Department and more.
These reference fields provide an additional perspective to the summarization database even though they are not part of the original grouping fields in the summarization database.
Kind Regards