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Importing IMD files from another project

Hi everyone,
I have a source data (an IMD table) in a project and I am updating this data every month. Generally, I was wondering if there is a way to import the IMD file from another project to a prjoect! I know I can copy and paste into the project but I am looking for another way.

Brian Element Tue, 01/11/2022 - 13:39

Are you looking for something in script or just within IDEA?

In IDEA you can open the file in your current project by going to File - Main Window - Open Database then select the database, once it is open in your current project then you can do a File - Save As and that will save the file into your current folder.

You can also go to the project folder that the file belongs to and then right click on the file and select copy to and then select the project you want to copy it to.

In IDEAScript look under Project Management as this has the code to move or copy a file from one project to another.

talebi Tue, 01/11/2022 - 13:52

In reply to by Brian Element

I have some routin tasks on monthly basis in a project. So, I have created a macros to run the scripts and then export my end results. So, I can create another macros to read (or import) a source from another project (because this source is updating every month) then do some tasks. I hope I explained well