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copy IDEA file from one project to another

How do I copy an IDEA file that is in one project to another project?

Brian Element Tue, 03/08/2022 - 13:03

Hi ortizmario, here is the code from the language browser on how to do this:

Sub Main

	' Declare variables and objects.
	Dim pm As Object
	Dim SourcePath As String
	Dim DestinationPath As String
	'Declare the current project and the destination folder before calling ClientRunAtServer False.
	Set SourcePath = Client.WorkingDirectory
	Set DestinationPath = "C:\Temp"
	' Access the project management object.
	Set pm = Client.ProjectManagement
	' Copy a file from the current project folder to another local directory.
	pm.CopyDatabase SourcePath + "Sample-Customers.IMD", DestinationPath
	' Refresh the File Explorer.
	' Clear the path.
	Set pm = Nothing

End Sub