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Is there a way to convert a column with multiple group names into multiple rows?

I have a file that adds multiple user groups for a user into one column.  I am wondering if there is a way to split that cell into multiple rows so the user will show mulitple times with each individual group name.  I have attached an example of what I have and what I want it to look like.  Thanks!

Brian Element Tue, 08/01/2023 - 08:09

Hi Breanna,

If your spreadsheet had been set-up with the User-Based Groups being in individual cells instead of one cell then we could have done something in IDEA.  So if you had something like this:

Worker Workday Account Roles User-Based Groups Job-Based Groups Process-maintained Roles
User1 111111 / User1   Drive Administrator Exempt Job Profiles Applicant


System User
      HR Configurator    
      Integration Administrator    
      Job and Position Configurator    
      Migration Administrator    
      Report Administrator    

We could have then used the fill-down utility to populate the missing cells.

The only way I can think of doing this, assuming you can't get the information in a better format from the source, is to write a specific script for this scenario.