Dialog Box instead of array
Hi Brian,
I am evolving some of my scripts for better usage and I come up with something I am not sure I can do, therefore I am checking with you. I have this part of code, and instead of an array, I would like to insert a dialog box with check boxes as my audit period will expand from location to location and therefore the last 6 months will be always different. Do you know if it is possible? If so, would you mind providing me some guidance?
Set db = Client.OpenDatabase("Bills with no PO.IDM")
Set task = db.KeyValueExtraction
dim myArray(5,0)
myArray(0,0) = "Apr 2016"
myArray(1,0) = "Dec 2015"
myArray(2,0) = "Feb 2016"
myArray(3,0) = "Jan 2016"
myArray(4,0) = "Mar 2016"
myArray(5,0) = "Nov 2015"
task.AddKey "PERIOD", "A"
task.DBPrefix = "transactions of the last 6 months"
task.CreateMultipleDatabases = FALSE
task.CreateVirtualDatabase = False
task.ValuesToExtract myArray
dbName = task.DBName
Set task = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
Hi Giorgia
Hi Giorgia
Here is an example for you, I have also attached the script so you have the dialog. I use two variables, the sMonthArray holds the key values that are displayed in the dialog and used for the extraction. The bArrayValues holds the items that have been selected from the dialog. Let me know if there is anything that doesn't make sense. I didn't run the script so hopefully it will work for you.
Option Explicit
Dim bArrayValues(11) As Boolean
Dim sMonthArray(11) As String
Sub Main
'populate a month array with the key values that are included in the database
Call populateMonthArray()
Call menu()
Call KeyValueExtraction()
End Sub
Function KeyValueExtraction()
Dim db As database
Dim task As task
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim dbName As String
Dim myArray(500, 0) 'dim to maximum as can't redim or use a variable to dim to proper number
j = 0
'populate the myArray with they key values and leave the remaining blank which should be ignored by IDEA.
For i = 0 To 11
If bArrayValues(i) Then
myArray(j, 0) = sMonthArray(i)
j = j + 1
End If
Next i
Exit Function
Set db = Client.OpenDatabase("Bills with no PO.IDM")
Set task = db.KeyValueExtraction
task.AddKey "PERIOD", "A"
task.DBPrefix = "transactions of the last 6 months"
task.CreateMultipleDatabases = FALSE
task.CreateVirtualDatabase = False
task.ValuesToExtract myArray
dbName = task.DBName
Set task = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
End Function
Function menu()
Dim dlg As NewDialog
Dim button As Integer
button = Dialog(dlg)
End Function
Function displayIt(ControlID$, Action%, SuppValue%)
Dim bExitFunction As Boolean
Dim i As Integer
Select Case Action%
Case 1
'change the text in the checkbox for the key values
For i = 0 To 11
DlgText "CheckBox" & (i + 1), sMonthArray(i)
Next i
Case 2
Select Case ControlID$
Case "OKButton1"
'extract the checkboxes that were ticked
bArrayValues(0) = NewDialog.CheckBox1
bArrayValues(1) = NewDialog.CheckBox2
bArrayValues(2) = NewDialog.CheckBox3
bArrayValues(3) = NewDialog.CheckBox4
bArrayValues(4) = NewDialog.CheckBox5
bArrayValues(5) = NewDialog.CheckBox6
bArrayValues(6) = NewDialog.CheckBox7
bArrayValues(7) = NewDialog.CheckBox8
bArrayValues(8) = NewDialog.CheckBox9
bArrayValues(9) = NewDialog.CheckBox10
bArrayValues(10) = NewDialog.CheckBox11
bArrayValues(11) = NewDialog.CheckBox12
bExitFunction = true
Case "CancelButton1"
bExitFunction = True
End Select
End Select
If bExitFunction Then
displayIt = 0
displayIt = 1
End If
End Function
Function populateMonthArray()
'these should be the key values contained in the database
sMonthArray(0) = "Jan 2015"
sMonthArray(1) = "Feb 2015"
sMonthArray(2) = "Mar 2015"
sMonthArray(3) = "Apr 2015"
sMonthArray(4) = "May 2015"
sMonthArray(5) = "Jun 2015"
sMonthArray(6) = "Jul 2015"
sMonthArray(7) = "Aug 2015"
sMonthArray(8) = "Sep 2015"
sMonthArray(9) = "Oct 2015"
sMonthArray(10) = "Nov 2015"
sMonthArray(11) = "Dec 2015"
End Function
Hi Girogia,
Hi Girogia,
So for the dialog do you a limited number of options for the checkboxes? Unfortunately with the dialogs you can hide add or disable dialog elements but you need to add them at the front end. So for your example are you looking for 12 check boxes that the user selects for each month and based on their selection it would populate the Key Value Extraction?