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Comparing Two Datasets

Hi All,
Hopefully this is the right area for my question..
I've got two datasets in IDEA; Employee sickness which details employee name and the date range they were on sick leave and purschasing card transactions which details the name and purchase date (obvisouly amongst a lot of other info).
I want to compare the two to show transactions where the employee was on sick leave.  I know I will need to match on name and probably use @betweendate to find the transactions made between the sick dates.
However I am a bit lost on how this comparison/extraction can be done accross two data sets.

Brian Element Thu, 08/18/2016 - 07:43

Hi Alex,

What you will have to do first is create one file by using the join function.  Hopefully you have a common key between the two files which my guess would be the Employee number.  We want to see if an employee used their PCard while sick I would create a new database in which each PCard transaction is joined to all the employee sickness records (I am assuming that there would be one record for each sick leave in the database?)  For this type of join you will have to use the visual connector, so your match field would be the employee number or equivalent.  This will give you a new database where all the PCard transactions are associated with each of the Sick Leave transactions.  You could then use the @betweendate to extract all PCard transactions what were used while an Employee is off sick.

Hope this makes sense.
