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Change hierarchy in database display

I am creating a set of final result files after multiple extractions and append activities on a source file. So number of temporary databases are created during this operation and the actual result files are created under the temporary files, as highlighted in yellow in the attached screen shot. I don't want to show the temporary files to user. So tried to delete the temporary files using Client.DeleteDatabase  <dbname>. After that the result files are showing directly under root. I want to display the result files under the source file I selected initially. Is there any way to achieve this requirement?
Thanks in advance,

Brian Element Tue, 08/23/2016 - 09:42

Hi Shafeer,

I have asked for something similar in the past and unfortunately it can't be done.  If you delete an intermediary file the child of that deleted file now sits in the root.  You can also add a ~ to the start of the file name and the IDEA file explorer will ignore the file but unfortunately you also loose the link between files.  This might be something you could request from IDEA, if they have enough requests for this item they might add it in to a future version.
