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General discussion

New Job

Hello everyone, if you have been wondering why I am not around as much as I have used to be it is because I have changed jobs.  After 30+ years with the government of Canada I have retired and joined CaseWare IDEA as an Industry Strategist (Solutions Lead) on their Industry Team.  This will be a great challenge but after five weeks with the company I am loving it.  Because of this change I no longer have time to keep up with the boards on a constant basis, also I no longer have the time to create special scripts for people.  If you have suggestion

Date overlap with lots of data

A while back, I used the script in the link below to identify hospital overlap.
Hospital overlap occurs when a provider bills a patient for service at doctor's office, home, etc. while the patient is actually in the hospital. The script in the link did identify the overlap. For example:

Start Date
End Date
Over Lap

Data Validation

Hi all,
I have recently moved roles from an commercial role to a consulting role. With the new role, I have noted that I would have to request for data extracts in order to perform analytics.
Would you be able to provide me with some tests that you would do to validate the data for completeness? Some of the tests I perform are:
- identifying blanks in key fields,
- verfiying the transaction dates to ensure the audit period is captured,
- number sequence check (where numbers are meant to be in sequence),


Good day Brian, I am confronted with the need to analyze numerous files in the SAS native structure. Is there a process whereby IDEA can read SAS files directly? They are available in a CSV flatfile structure as well, but they run to about 156,000 kb. Thanks, Bryan

Unprotect a column

Hi Brain,
I have extracted a single record to from source file to extracted File.
Then I need to edit the values in this column. Is it possible.
I tried to enable protect = False, but it's not working. I tried with the below code. could you please check this.
Dim db As Database
Dim table As Object
Dim newFieldObject As Object
Dim newFieldName As String
Dim newField As Object
Set db = Client.OpenDatabase(dbName)
    Set newField = db.TableManagement
    Set table = db.TableDef

Using IDEA to prove/disprove a theory

I'm wondering if it's possible to use IDEA (v 10.4) to either prove or disprove a theory.  The theory is that training (online and classroom) improves turnover.  I have access to all the tables in the HR database which has the training area.  I pull termination dates and course completion dates but that is not enough to prove causation.  Has anyone done anything along these lines, maybe marketing/sales?

Time overlap

I have over 5000 time entries and I'm trying to check for overlaps on the same dates. I've tried using a date overlap script that I saw on here, but I cannot get it to work for the time. 
That data looks like this:





