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General discussion

Count the number of records to determine Sample Size

I was wondering if there is a way to gather the number of records within a database, then evaluate that number to determine the number of records to randomly extract for sampling.
For example:
If there are: <250 records in the database, the number of items sampled is 10%
250-2,500: 25 items need to be sampled
2,501 - 10,000: 45 items
10,001 + : 60 items
I cant figure out how to use the db.Count function and assign it to a varriable in order to evaluate it in the If function.

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Dialog box view issue

Hi All,
I was wondering if anyone ever came accross a situation where their dialog boxes in the IDEA programme have gone misaligned in terms of text within the buttons and static text tools - screenshots attached.
I went for a holiday and left couple of programmes working ok and with a proper display of the dialog boxes however when I came back from holiday my desk had been moved by the IT to different place in the office however with all the same work monitors that I used previously.

IDEA Changes Null values to 0 ( zero )

Hi , 
When I try to create a virtual numeric field for my Seller_ID which is a numeric record but it has character data type in database. Idea changes null vaules of my seller_id when I use @val or @justnumbers .
I need my null vaules , I dont want to see them as zero.
Can you help ? 
Best regards , 

Visual Connect

Hi Brian,
While using visual connector Am getting an error.
1. Variable not defined Id0. (Then I declared Id0 as Object)
Then got the next error
"Object variable or With block variable not set"Please help...below is my code
Function visualConnnectDatabase(resultFileName)Dim db As Database
Dim task As Object

Slow to respond

Hi everyone, some of you may of noticed that I am not posting much right now and haven't been responding to posts.  I had a fall over the Christmas holidays and ended up with a mild concussion, nothing to worry about but I haven't had the energy lately to reply back to everything.  I am getting better everyday and hopefully will start to respond to peoples posts as I feel up to it.



Add Months to Date

Would anyone be able to tell me how to add a specified number of months to a date? I'm looking for a function that has the same functionality as Excel's EDate function. For example, if I have a date of 10/1/18 in one column, and a number of "11" in another number, I would like to append a column that will add 11 months to 10/1/18, to return 9/1/19. 