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General discussion

Place project every time I execute a menu option

I have several projects ready and I execute it from an options menu, my question is: when I execute option 1 I need to load the project from that script and that it is executed inside, so on with the other options.  I want each option to be executed within your project. 
example . 
Reclamaciones_Sucursale is  is a projectRecalculo_Cambio_Tasa         is another project
Can you? Could you tell me how to do it?
          Case 1 


I work with IDEA in its version 11, I saw on the forum some post which spoke about rdfcreatorlib. I would like to be able to create RDF files on the fly under Python, ideascript or vba Excel but without success. Have you been successful in using this feature?
Thank you

IDEA keyboard language

Hi Brian and greetings from Ireland,
I've a quick question for you.
My version of IDEA keeps defaulting to US keyboard, regardless of what I've set in windows.
This is driving me mad esp. as the " and @ characters are swapped !!
I can't seem to find a setting to change it to a non-US english keyboard layout.
Any help would be much appreciated.

Converting Character to Date Format (MM/YYYY)

I am trying to convert from Character to Date format that doesn't include the "day" information, only month and year. I have tried both changing the original column to Date and it doesn't accept the "MM/YYYY" date mask (error message: Invalid Date Mask)
I have also tried to append a new Virtual Date column using the equation @ctod(Field Name, "MM/YYYY") but instead of dates in the column, it shows "Error" in red font in each line under that column.
Thanks for any and all help!

Append Field from my variable

Hello, how are you? 
I need help, I have a variable as a string and I can't insert the value of the variable into the new column. Is it possible to do this?
For example: 
Dim instancia As String
Set db = Client.OpenDatabase("Parámetros de contraseña.IMD")
Set task = db.TableManagement
Set field = db.TableDef.NewField
field.Name = "INSTANCIA"
field.Description = ""
field.Type = WI_VIRT_CHAR
field.Equation = instancia 'my error is here, I don't know how to add the content of my variable as a value of the fields.

Create a "group key" for duplicate transactions

I'm working on a duplicate transaction analysis. I want to create a field where each duplicate "group" has a unique number. Any ideas?
Example of what I'm hoping for:
RecNo Vendor Date Amount **Group Key**
1             XYZ      4/20   $20        1
2             XYZ      4/20   $20        1

IDEA Script or Function where the result of one task is used in the next task

I kindly need assistance with an IDEA script or function where the end result in task 1 is used in task 2; Balance in Period 0 is used to get Balance in Period 1, Balance in Period 1 is used to get Balance in Period 2, Balance in Period 2 is used to get Balance in Period 3, ...
I am preparing a loan schedule based on amortization.