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Questions on Custom Functions

Usage of Custom Functions

Hello Brian/all,
I have a custom function that I want to share with my team. The challenge however is that unlike ordinary functions that are accessible to all projects, the custom function is accessible only from the project it was created on. Any idea on how I can make a custom function accessible from any project without having to copy it across?

Version 11.1 and scheduling

I have a script I need to run automatically on a certain date so I upgraded to version 11.1 in order to use the schedule function...well I currently cannot get Admin rights so the function will not work.  I've got it set up in Windows Task Scheduler but it did not run this morning as set up.  Is there a work around in version 11.1 that will allow me to use the scheduler without admin rights?  Currently working from home so I'm connecting through VPN which may or may not be the reason the Task Scheduler didn't run but that certainly is stopping any progress towards admin right

Using a Variable in Equation Editor

Hi there,
I am trying to call the value of a variable created with this code:
        Dim Materiality As Long
 Dim PerfMateriality As Long
Dim SamplingThreshold As Long
Materiality = InputBox("Type in the Materiality for this client (to the nearest €).")
Now I am tryinh to append a field on the spreadsheet that would give me a yes or not as to the transaction is above or below the materiality or the sampling threshold.

Converting blank dates

I have an employee masterfile where the Termination Date is in character. I created a new field with @ctod on the date but it gave me an error on blank dates, ie non-terminated employees.
As a resolution, I used @if to specify if the termination date field .NOT. isblank, then convert to date. However, I am not able to specify a blank date at the end of the @if function. What should I type to indicate as NULL date?

Journal Testing and related Functions

Dear Sirs,
i have to do a test for a bank journal entries , does anyone have a list of Test related to JE and how to do it , and if u can provide me with a list of all custom functions
that can be used in IDEA software,
finally , i'm trying to test if some entries have been done on holidays , can someone help me on how to do it using IDEA.
thank you in advance.