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Custom Function Request


Do you want or need a custom function. Ask for it in this forum and maybe someone will be able to help you out.

Return variables to main

I have a question, i have a script with main and functions, so i can't return variable of function to main. It is possible? 
For example:
var_return = Call custom_function1
Function custom_function1
Return var1
End function
Thank you!

INCLUDE Function

Hi there,
I have a background in ACL and in ACL, there is a function called the INCLUDE function that will include all occurrences of a specified character or characters from an existing character string.  As an example, INCLUDE(Address_Field_Name, "0123456789"), will give me all of the numeric characters from the address field, regardless of where they are located in the field or how many times they occur.

Automate Daily File Import

Hi there,
I am working in the IDEA server version and am trying to write a script that will automatically import a file that is sent to our server daily.  The file name has the prior day's date at the end.  I have tried using a function that works when I evaluate it within the 'Criteria' window, but within my script I keep getting an error.  My line of script with the error looks like this:

Summarization function

Hi all,
I have created a function for summarization task (Function Summarize) that is called from other Function (PerformAction) - the main aim is to add loop that will be setting 3 different fields for sumarization tasks - task.AddFieldToSummarizet and task.AddFieldToTotal  (task is a variable Action2A_Summarize).Does anyone came up with a code that passes array of options within the loop for those 2 task within summarization task?
My code so far  looks like this but I think it will fail:

Normal distribution function

Does anyone have am IDEA function available to calculate:
- the normal distribution for a specific mean and standard deviation, just like Excel does with NORM.DIST function?
- the inverse of the normal cumulative distribution for a specific mean and standard deviation, just like Excel does with NORM.INV function?
Thanks in advance for your help.

Concatenate character fields

Hello!  I am performing analysis on bank account information and have 2 fields, both character:  routing number and account number.  I want to concatenate the two to create a single number.  For example:
Routing number:             12345
Bank account number:   987654321
Result:                               12345987654321

Hash/Digest function

HI Brian & everbody else!
There are times when we would rather not propagate multiple copies of sensitive data, and unique hashes or digests would suffice. This also can help to make long fields short to save space without comrpomising uniqueness.
I'd like to create a custom function that calculates a SHA (or MD5) hash of a character string.
Microsoft has a crypto API that has hash functions available, but I don't have the knowledge to call it from a custom function.