Skip to main content update

Hello everyone,

As some of you might have noticed the site has been down for that past month or so.  The main reason was that the site needed a major refresh and the platform that I was using to create the site was nearing its end of life.  Unfortunately, the platform had been rewritten since I had created the site so there was no easy upgrade path, that is why it has taken so long as there was lots of trial and errors on my part to get the site up and running with the latest software.

The good news is I believe all of the information in the old site has been carried over, but we did loose the private messaging.  There are probably also broken links on the site and those I will fix as I find them.

Currently the IDEAScripts are not available, I want to do a refresh on them before posting them again as many of them were written on IDEA 9 or 10 and there have been a few changes since then, both with the software and also with my knowledge of creating scripts.  I think I have learned a few things in the past few years.

The purpose of the site might also be changing as I will no longer be working for Caseware at the end of this August but hope to find enough work in training and consulting so I can still work with the software and keep this site running, as running a web site like this isn’t cheap.

I have created a contact form so if anyone wants to contact me directly they can do so with this form, this is replacing the private messaging.



pcallan0 Fri, 07/12/2024 - 06:14

Really like the new look site. Thank you as always Brian for such a great resource. I would be lost without it.