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General discussion


hello, recently I downloaded the "APP UTILITIES" through the passport option, it happens that I downloaded a file with a .DPACK extension, when I double-click it is imported, but I don't know where to look for it or where to put it, could someone tell me where to put it? or the steps to run it and see the scripts

add a year to the current date

Hello, I have to get a list of the documents to expire, where I have today's date (@date), it happens that for future expirations I have to add a year to this date, I have tried with @year(@ date() +1 but it only gives me 2023 and I want the entire date, that is, if today we are at 2022/09/23, the new date must be 2023/09/23
How would I achieve this?

scripts exports an excel file every end of the month,

my scritps  exports an excel file every end of the month, my question is if I can put the date with a file name in the export, example  6/30/2022_Balanc_General, but not manual, as it will change month by month. You can or some suggestion, this to create a repository to create statistics per month

Data Extraction

Hi Brian
I have a question for youPlease have a look at the screen shot I attached. I need to pull employees who have the same department and position in the whole table.For instance, Employee ID = 2 has the same department (c) and the same position (Admin) but employee ID = 1 changed the department and position. Also Employee ID = 3 is in the same department but changed the position. I am looking for such an Employee ID = 2
I do not know how to use criterias for such a probelm or write scripts

downloading an excel file from a page

the macro downloads the file in Excel but when going to the ExcelImport routine it throws an error that says "initial load error", what is wrong with this routine? If the file downloads fine. Thanks 
remove the http: so that the address does not stand out
Sub MainIgnoreWarning(true)
Call DownloadFile("//" , client.workingdirectory & "\Archivos fuente.ILB\"  & "TASA_DOLAR_REFERENCIA_MC.xlsx")