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Tips and Hints


A place for members to place any useful IDEA tips or hints.

Environment Variables - IDEA Version?

I have used environment variables in the past to drive VBA script - Info:
Is there such a function that can be used with IDEA? I am trying to determine if there is method of reading the version of IDEA being used to drive an IF statement in my code. Example, if running IDEA v7, Excel export is restricted to v97-2003 & 64k rows

IDEA Tech Tip – Verify Your Extraction Before You Run It

Jeff Sorensen from Caseware has a tech tip on how to verify that you have created your extraction prior to actually doing the extraction.  This way you don't cluter up your history with false attempts.  You can find Jeff's blog at…

Command to automatically override existing databases/files

Hello everyone!
When preparing an IDEA script, is there any command I can use that will tell IDEA to automatically override any existing database in the project and/or existing files the script might create?
I have scripted more with ACL and in ACL, that command is SET SAFETY OFF.  When this command is used in a script, any existing ACL table or file that is created by the script will be automatically overridden.
I was checking to see if IDEA had a similar command.
Thanks in advance for the help!

Debugging Excel spreadsheets

Not directly IDEA related but as a common source for IDEA imports is Excel spreadsheets it is good to make sure that the data you are bringing into IDEA is correct.  This article walks you through some of the tools that can be used for auditing a spreadsheet, some of them I didn't know existed.…