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General Discussion on Python


Area for general discussion on using Python with IDEA.

Python comes with IDEA or extra installation needed?


First of all thanks for adding me to the community.

I have a general question regarding IDEA and Python:
Does IDEA come with a Python 3.5.3 installation or is it necessary to have Python installed extra to be able to use it?

When I try to run a Python script from IDEA it says Windows does not know how to open the .py (Python) file. Reason is as far as I understand that Python is not installed and no compiler could be found.

Experiences with Python

Since installing IDEA 10.3 I tried how to use the included Python modules. Finally my experience is that numpy, matplotlib, scikit and pandas work very well. However to transfer data from IDEA to Python/pandas our support recommends to export all data from IDEA to a Excel or Access file because the performance with RecordSet isn't optimal. From my point of view the performance with a dataset of <20k elements was ok. But if you wouldn't make use of RecordSet export to a CSV file seems the better solution because pandas.read_excel won't work due to the missing module xlrd.

Exploratory Data Analysis in Python (Pandas)

Looking for a good source of functions used in EDA with Python (using Pandas library or any other). 
Basically my aim is to be able to derive quickly from a large set of data (usually over 20 000 records) the following information:
- what data is about
-main trends and patterns
Does anyone have any examples?