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Python Scripting Questions


Area to discuss python scripting questions.

Copying Files

I wasn't really sure where to post this.
Currently, I have a macro that performs some analysis and exports out a couple excel files. I am looking to copy Excel files from my Exports.ILB folder to a folder on a Network drive.  The folder will vary in name depending on the project that I am in, but I would like to have it create a folder within that folder called "Exports" and then copy the files to the "Exports" folder.  For example, I would like the files to be copied to
U:\Mike W\ProjectName\Exports

Using Python to Launch and Use IDEA

Hi, is it possible to use IDEA from Python without first opening IDEA? Is there some code I can add to be able to do this? 
The code below works if I open IDEA before running the code. This is the error I get when running the below code: "Invalid database or the database hasn't been specified yet."
Thank you.

ADD NewField Error: TableDef Object has no atribute "NewField"

i try to add a new field in IDEA 10.3 via Python:
import win32com.client as win32comclient
import os
import sys
idea = win32comclient.Dispatch(dispatch="Idea.IdeaClient")
db = idea.OpenDatabase("File.IMD")
task = db.TableManagement()
field = db.TableDef.NewField()