Problem when trying to obtain a decimal from an input box

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Joined: 03/01/2021 - 10:48
Problem when trying to obtain a decimal from an input box

Hello Everyone,
I'm trying to obtain a decimal number inserted by an input box, but the problem is that IDEA shrinks the number, so if I type 1.9 and store it in a variable, the value of the variable is 1 instead of 1.9. Can anyone help me with this, please?

Joined: 03/01/2021 - 10:48

I'm sorry I forgot to attach my script. I think the problem is related to the data type when declaring y variable. Does anyone know wich datA Type is the equivalent in IDEA to a float?
Sub Main
Dim t_cambio As Double
t_cambio =  InputBox("Escriba el tipo de cambio : ", "Tipo de Cambio",0.00)
MsgBox t_cambio
End Sub

Brian Element's picture
Brian Element
Joined: 07/11/2012 - 19:57

Hi jsnadoval,

Here is how you should set this up.  You should also add some error checking to make sure the user doesn't enter something like "ABC" or a blank.

Sub Main
Dim sInputResult As String 'The result from the input box returns a string.  The variable to hold it should be a string and then changed into the proper value
Dim t_cambio As Double
sInputResult =  InputBox("Escriba el tipo de cambio : ", "Tipo de Cambio", "0.00") 'default amount needs to be a string

t_cambio = CDbl(sInputResult) 'converst the string to a double
MsgBox t_cambio
End Sub