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Execute Python with IDEAScript

Hello friends,
I'm having trouble running a .py file with IDEA, I need to import 25 million XML files into IDEA, we created a macro that automatically imports the files for us, but it takes a long time to join the databases in IDEA and organize them, we came up with doing a PYTHON file that allows us to do this faster and in a single document, to import into IDEA later.
the file is the following:

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import os
import glob

carpeta = 'ejes'
archivos_xml = glob.glob(carpeta + '\*.xml')

trees = []

for archivo in archivos_xml:
    tree = ET.parse(archivo)

combined_tree = ET.ElementTree()
combined_root = ET.Element('root')

for tree in trees:
    root = tree.getroot()
    for element in root:


The code works correctly, but when I run it in IDEA I get 2 errors, if I run it in a folder outside of IDEA it tells me that the address was not found.
If I run it in the IDEA project folders as the documentation indicates, it always responds that there was an error on line 2, regardless of what is written on line 2

I need guidance to be able to execute .py files in IDEA correctly.

Brian Element Wed, 07/19/2023 - 08:30

Hi Alexander,

This was a strange one, I tried coping your code and I was also getting errors.  So I tried creating it one line at a time and then testing each one and it worked.  I have attached the files that I created.  I don't know why you were getting errrors.

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