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How do I break a single statement into multiple lines?

I'm trying to break down the following equation so it can all be seen in the IDEA scripting window: 
field.Equation = "@If(@Left(ACCOUNT1,1)=""1""  .OR. @Left(ACCOUNT1,1)=""2"".OR. @Left(ACCOUNT1,1)=""3"".OR. @Left(ACCOUNT1,1)=""4"".OR. @Left(ACCOUNT1,1)=""5"".OR. @Left(ACCOUNT1,1)=""6"".OR. @Left(ACCOUNT1,1)=""7"",@Left(ACCOUNT1, 5), @If(@Left(ACCOUNT2,1)=""1""  .OR. @Left(ACCOUNT2,1)=""2"".OR. @Left(ACCOUNT2,1)=""3"".OR. @Left(ACCOUNT2,1)=""4"".OR. @Left(ACCOUNT2,1)=""5"".OR. @Left(ACCOUNT2,1)=""6"" .OR. @Left(ACCOUNT2,1)=""7"", @Left(ACCOUNT2,5), @If(@Left(ACCOUNT3,1)=""1""  .OR. @Left(ACCOUNT3,1)=""2"".OR. @Left(ACCOUNT3,1)=""3"".OR. @Left(ACCOUNT3,1)=""4"".OR. @Left(ACCOUNT3,1)=""5"".OR. @Left(ACCOUNT3,1)=""6"".OR. @Left(ACCOUNT3,1)=""7"", @Left(ACCOUNT3,5), ""No Account Listed"")))"
I know you have to typically add a "& _" to the end of the line to tell the script that the equation continues on the next line, but nothing I've tried has worked.  Could you hlep me out? 

klmi Tue, 04/20/2021 - 03:27

Actually "_" is used to separate lines in VBA/IDEAScript. But to separate strings you have to add "&" to link both lines. Important between "&" and "_" a blank is necessary and will you need additional quotes at the end of the first line and at the beginning of the next line! I hope the following example makes that clearer:

field.Equation = "@if(@Left(" & _
"@Str(YEAR;4;0);1)=""2"";"& _

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