Replace function
This function allows you to replace part of a string with another part. So if you have a string "ACBDEFGH" and you want to replace "DEF" with "MNO" using this function it would return "ABCMNOGH"
Function Replace(temp_string As String, temp_find As String, temp_replace As String)
Dim str_len, i As Integer
Dim new_string As String
Dim temp_char As String
Dim temp_one_char As String
Dim temp_no_chars As Integer
new_string = "" 'set the new string
str_len = Len(temp_string) 'length of the string to search in
temp_no_chars = Len(temp_find) 'number of characters to search for
For i = 1 To str_len
temp_char = Mid(temp_string,i, temp_no_chars) 'get a partial string to compare
Temp_one_char = Mid(temp_string,i, 1) 'get the character it is based on
If temp_char = temp_find Then 'validate if the partial string is what we are lookign for
'if it is, replace it and skip i to take into account the no of characters
temp_char = temp_replace
new_string = new_string & temp_replace
i = i + (temp_no_chars - 1)
new_string = new_string & Temp_one_char
End If
Next i
replace = new_string
End Function