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Date Picker

One of the items that the IDEAScripting dialog lacks is a date picker.  I recently saw a post on the IDEA forum that they had the script for one but for some strange reason weren't releasing it on the scripting section, so I decided to try and create a date picker for my use and anyone else that wants to use it.

The attached script has the code for the date picker along with an example of how to use it with a dialog that asks for the user to enter a date.

When you start up the example script you will have a dialog with two edit boxes where the user can enter a date:

Example of using a date picker

To access the date picker in this instance you would click on the Calendar button and another dialog will open on top of the first dialog.

Date Picker

Using the date picker you can select your date, the < and > will move you through the months.  Clicking on the Current Date button will take you back to the current date.  There is a drop down that shows the current year and 5 years forward and 5 years back.  So you can move through the years if 5 year increments.

Date Picker with year

Once you select a date the date picker dialog will close and the date will be inserted in the edit box.

Date picker with date

The code allows for multiple date edit boxes but each one would need a separate button.  The code was been commented and if you have any questions or comments please let me know.  You can download the code here.

Updated March 4, 2015 - Added functionality so the script should work with different regional settings and date formats.

ortizmario6025… Thu, 10/28/2021 - 16:07

In reply to by Brian Element

In the form where you request the date from to
I want to include several RadioButtons, to call several scritps, how would I do it, do you have any example that you can show me in this same program?

ortizmario6025… Wed, 10/27/2021 - 10:31

I have an oracle database, and I need to extract the records from a table with the odbc d idea built in. the question is how do I substitute those form dates in the odbc import.
bName = "tcp_xxxxx.IMD"
Client.ImportODBCFile "" & Chr (34) & "F" Chr (34) & "." & Chr (34) & "tcp_xxx" & Chr (34) & "", dbName, FALSE, "; DSN =; UID = xxxx PWD = _IDEA9xx_xx DBQ = BLH9I.WOR; DBA = BLH9I.WORLDA; DBA = T; EXC = F; FEN = T; QTO = T; FRC = 10; FDL = 10; LOB = T; RST = T; BTD = F; BNF = F; BAM = IfAllSuccessful; NUM = NLS; DPM = F; MTS = T; MDI = F; CSR = F; FWC = F; FBS = 00; TLO = O; MLD = 0; ODA = F; "," SELECT * FROM TCP_xxxxx where TMO_FECHC> = '20210801' and TMO_FECHC <= '20210930' AND TMO_CODMOD = 4 AND TMO_MODO = 'N' "Client.OpenDatabase (dbName. 

ortizmario6025… Fri, 10/29/2021 - 09:41

hello, in this script that asks for the dates is the dlgMenu dialog box, I want to insert several radio buttons to make a selection and according to the option chosen, execute a script, it asks me is, where should I place the codes to perform the validation of the option that the user selected? In this scripts you could place me a guide example.