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Record Extractions - Error

I'm working in IDEA and I'm trying to extract specific information in a certain column. I deal with lots of data so when I'm looking for specific data only pertaining to a certain date, field or column, etc. I should be able to extract that information only. In the attached image you can see blue numbers in the NO_OF_RECS column.  I should be able to to click on the blue numbers and it pull up the database for those records only. Mine is not working. No one else in my company who uses this program is having this issue. Is there a way to fix this problem on my own or is my version corrupt and need to get my company IT to redownload my program?

Brian Element Mon, 01/23/2017 - 16:41

Hi Meghan and welcome to the site.

Yes you should be able to pull up the supporting records by clicking on the blue link.  Some reasons it might not work is if the source database no longer exists or has been moved or the field that was summarized has been renamed.

Can you tell me exactly what error you are getting when you click on the link?



Meghan Tue, 01/24/2017 - 09:18

I'm not getting an actual error. When I click on the blue links, the box saying it's extracting the data comes up but then everything in IDEA locks up. It's almost like the box "step completed" that comes up after you run a query is somewhere, but I can't find it to click on it. And I can't do anything in IDEA because everything is locked up. I can't even move the opened program to a different screen. I have to go to task manager to close IDEA.
Thanks so much for your prompt response!

Meghan Tue, 01/24/2017 - 09:36

I have 3 monitors, but all 3 of them are hooked up and working. It's almost like the dialog box is going behind the IDEA program but since it's locked up I can't move it.  I'll check out that link and see if it helps!

Meghan Tue, 01/24/2017 - 09:43

Alt - space and M did not work. I still couldn't move IDEA or click on anything inside of IDEA. I think I'm going to have my IT team uninstall and then reinstall the program.

Brian Element Tue, 01/24/2017 - 10:07

In reply to by Meghan

HI Meghan,

At this stage I would probably do the same thing.  The only other option is to contact IDEA support and see if they might have a solution.


charleshamm82 Sun, 11/10/2019 - 19:40

Hello all. What about a similar situation where a dialog created via IDEAscript functions well except sometimes when the script is run, the dialog box winds up "behind" the "main" IDEA screen between file selections so that you have to navigate to the IDEA icon on the taskbar and manually select the dialog to move it back to the "front" of the screen so that you can continue using the script? Is there a way I can force the IDEAscript dialog to always appear "on top" or in the "front" screen layer? I tried "dlgFocus" but this only highlights the selected control, it does not force the dialog to appear "on top"; I still had to manually move the window "to the front" to get it back in view.
Thanks in advance.