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Reverse Duplicate

I have two field say column A and E with ID. The ID's were sort of duplicate like
In 1 st row Column A have 12345 and column E have 34344
in 2 nd row Column A have 34344 and Column E have 12345

Both the rows has same information but the ID alone reversed in the 1st and second row. I need to retain the first and remove the second row in the output. Can anyone help me to achieve this in IDEA?

srivibish Sat, 07/01/2017 - 03:47

In reply to by Brian Element

Hi Brain,
Thank you so much for the script. I was trying with different data for the past two days. So far I have not faced any issues and it removes the duplicate pair as well. Also, I was trying to add the export the output in excel format along with this script but somehow I am getting error in that. But anyhow it solves the purpose of removing duplicates. I really appreciate your help. Thank you so much.