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Launch two script

I would like to know if there a script who can help me to launch two script eg : Start with the scond after ending with the first script,
Thank you.

Brian Element Sun, 03/25/2018 - 06:49

Hi Admed,

You can use the Client.RunIDEAScript function.  Each script will run after it is completed.


Sub Main

' Start another IDEAScript macro.

Client.RunIDEAScript "MyScript1.ISS"
Client.RunIDEAScript "MyScript2.ISS"
End Sub 

Ahmed Sun, 03/25/2018 - 11:31

Hi Brian,
Thank you brian for your answer first of all, I rename Myscript1.ISS and after running the script ; i get error message "error line 5, name of the macro file wrong".

Brian Element Sun, 03/25/2018 - 11:56

I think it is looking for a script called MyScript2.iss, so you name to update the script for the name of your second script.  Also if it is located in your Macros folder you need to add Marcros.ILB\ before the macro name.

Ahmed Mon, 03/26/2018 - 03:08

Hi Brian,
Yes it works ! (I just add the correcte location of my script before eg : c://ideaFile/MyScript.iss)
Thank you very much.