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Dynamically creating file and its column

Hi Brain,
I have dynamically created a new file and created its column and filled calculated values in the column too. But my issue is that while creating the column, I have created as a WI_NUM_FIELD. But in the result column, it's showing as an editable numeric column. 
Do you know what is the issue? 
While creating the column I have changed the property NewTable. Protect = False, After that set NewTable.Protect = True

Brian Element Tue, 06/25/2019 - 08:12

Hi Jiyajijp,

What that is telling me is that the NewTable.Protect = True is not being run, something before that line is stoping the code.  Usually in instances like this I will place msgbox in the code to see where the code might be stopping and then try and figure out what in the code is causing the problem.

Good luck in your project.
