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Place project every time I execute a menu option

I have several projects ready and I execute it from an options menu, my question is: when I execute option 1 I need to load the project from that script and that it is executed inside, so on with the other options.  I want each option to be executed within your project. 
example . 
Reclamaciones_Sucursale is  is a projectRecalculo_Cambio_Tasa         is another project
Can you? Could you tell me how to do it?
          Case 1 
               fecha1 = dlgMenu.TextBox1
                        fecha2 = dlgMenu.TextBox2
     ' MsgBox "seleciono 5 " 
           Client.RunIDEAScriptEx "A:\Auditoria\Auditoria_continua\Reclamaciones_Sucursales\Macros.ILB\Script_Reclamaciones.iss" ,fecha1,fecha2  , "" , ""
                                                                        Case 2  
                                                                        fecha1 = dlgMenu.TextBox1
                        fecha2 = dlgMenu.TextBox2
   MsgBox "seleciono la opcion 3"  
    Client.RunIDEAScriptEx "A:\Auditoria\Auditoria_continua\Recalculo_Captaciones\Macros.ILB\Recalculo_Cambio_Tasa.iss" ,fecha1,fecha2  , "" , ""
                    End Select 

Brian Element Sat, 11/06/2021 - 09:57

Not sure if this is what you are looking for but this is the code to change a project folder:

Client.WorkingDirectory = "C:\Test"