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How to open IMD files on IDEA 12.3 version

Some of my IDEA files were saved with IMD extensions but when I installed IDEA 12.3 version, I cannot open these files.  Instead, I keep getting the message that IDEA can open IDM files only.  Is there anyway to open up the old files with IMD?

Brian Element Mon, 03/25/2024 - 08:01

Hi Samy, IMD files are for the ASCII version of IDEA and IDM are for the Unicode version of IDEA.  Sounds like you might have installed the incorrect version of IDEA and should have the ASCII instead.  I would contact your distributor to talk about this.

Samy Garas Mon, 03/25/2024 - 08:13

Hello Brian,
Thanks a million for your great help.  I will reach out to the distributor.
Would it be possible to give you a call today at any time?  I started learning IDEA script but I find it overwhelming and I need someone to pur my steps in the right track.
Thanks again,