Extraction Based on Date
A small script that allows you to do an extraction based on a date. This script has been rewritten in Python.
This script allows you to do an extraction based on a date. You select the file, the date field and then select the date from a calendar. You also can decide on the type of extract, do you only want equal dates, earlier dates, later date, the script gives you the option.

Please see https://ideascripting.com/node/8579 for instuctions on how to install a python package.
It is recommended that it be added to the IDEAScript.com ribbon under the IS Extract grouping.
I am glad you are enjoying
I am glad you are enjoying the site. Unfortunately I don't work in the banking area so I really don't have much in the way of advice. CaseWare has a document that might help you out, so you should check it out as it can give you some ideas of what can be done. https://idea.caseware.com/analytics-for-external-auditors/
Hello Brian,
There is no .zip file on the "How to install a python script" page : https://ideascripting.com/node/8579
I would like to use PYTHON on IDEA.
Do you have a solution?
Bonjour Francois,The "How to…
Bonjour Francois,
The "How to install a python script" page only has suggestions on how to install a python package that is downloaded from this site. It also includes a video on how to do the installation. It is for apps, such as on this page, that are in python.
Let me know if that makes sense.
Good Job
Dear Brian I am Jean Claude Dushime From Rwanda a Data analyst and IS auditor in KPMG International , I am new on platform but your Job is really amazing. I have One question Can you help me to details the Key test that can be performed arount the follwoing area in Bank Loans and advance ,fees and commissions,interest income ,interest expenses ,Testing of Journal Entries, etc