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How to use filter contains the list of words (60 keywords)

Hi Team,
Please guide me how I can filter for contins of list of words in specific field.
I have already used the isin function however it can be use for 4-5 times.  I need to find the 60 keywods in one specific field pls suggest the appropriate function in IDEA.

Brian Element Tue, 12/29/2015 - 17:48

Hi Nilesh,

You are probably better off using the search option which is under the data ribbon or the data menu option depending on which version of IDEA you have.  You select the field or fields you want to search for and then you list the items you are lookinng for suh as open or close or this or that, ext.  You can use boolean operators along with wild cards with this function.  You can also create your search in notepad and save it so you can reuse it later on.

Hopefully this helps you out.



Steven Luciani Fri, 01/08/2016 - 14:16

In reply to by Brian Element

Hi Nilesh,

You can do this with a function as well. You will have to use the @regexpr function. Your equation would be:


This function is case sensitive so unless you know that all characters are lower case,or all upper case you should amend the equations as below:


If you use the @lower then all the key words you are searching for must be typed in lower case as well. In case you are not familiar with it, the symbol separating the key words in my example is a pipe symbol (|). It can normally be found just above the enter key on your keyboard. You would hold SHIFT \ to input the pipe symbol.

The limit of terms for this function is a limit of the number of characters that can be entered into the equation editor which for IDEA 9 is 10,000 characters. Note, that the limit of characters in the Search feature is 1,000 so if you have many key words, the @regexpr function may be the better option.

One last thing is the ability to use this function to search for your key words in more than one field of the IDEA database. Assuming the need for all lower case again the equation would be:


Note that the field concatenation works for the ISIN or ISINI functions as well.

