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Call script with more 4 parameters

Hi all,
I have a problem with my Ideascript macros. I have a macro with different variables and object variables. So I want to send more than 4 variables to other macro but I can't. 
I see and read different solutions such as read variables from a text file (after writing) but I want to avoid use this solution...
Moreover, I didn't find a solution to send an object variable to an other Macro or may be it is not possible...

Brian Element Thu, 02/25/2016 - 09:11


As far as I know you are limited to the 4 variables unless you output your information into another format that can be read by the script being called.  I usually use a text file.  As for objects, the same problem, as far as I know you can't send objects between scripts, you would have to send the information through a text file or something similar to recreate the object in the script being called.

Good luck.


ElementDM Fri, 02/26/2016 - 07:30

Thank you for your help.