Importing Data using XML
Dear Brian,
Comparing IDEA x EXCEL when we are importing XML files, EXCEL can import many files and create a table with so many record, however IDEA import only one file and create one database. Can we make IDEA work as EXCEL when importing so many files and create only one database?
Thanks at all.
So in IDEA would this be the
So in IDEA would this be the same as bringing in each xml file and then doing an append to create one file from the several imported xml files? I just want to make sure I am understanding this rigth. From the Excel import you import each xml file but you can import it underneath the previous one, is that what you are doing?
Could you use the file import
Could you use the file import script ( to import all of the xml files at one time and then do an append to get the result you are looking for? If I was creating a script I would take the import routine from this script and just add an function to do the append. Let me know if this is what you are looking for.
Hi, do you have an example of
Hi, do you have an example of an xml file that you could share? I don't have any good examples of xml files.