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Questions on Importing

Exclude Blank Rows from Base Layer When Using Space Trap

Hello! I am trying to import a difficult PDF that spans several hundred pages. I am working with a data set in which my base layer contains five columns (see the example image). Overall, each of the five columns contains various data and blank fields. However, blank fields are a continuation of the previous record. Because all five fields may be blank or have data, I am having difficulty setting a trap. I have set my trap using spaces, which is not ideal. However, because of this, my base layer captures blank lines in the report.

How to connect data in powerbi datasource to IDEA through ODBI

Hi Brian,
Your website is a wonderful place to learn about IDEA data analytics, and it's capabilities. I am stuck with a scenario where the data from our data warehouse is published in powerbi. Suppose I need to connect the data from powerbi to IDEA via ODBC connector. What are the steps to be followed to import the data live into IDEA so that when refreshed, we are able to work on the analytics rather than pulling data manually?
I hope to have been able to put my query in the right perspective. Looking forward to your thoughts in this regard.

Accuracy of field statistics in IDEA?

Dear Brian,
my question is about the specific accuracy of the field statistics (sum, numeric field) being calculated and shown in IDEA.
Suppose I have a large sample dataset with two columns, one name and the other some value. I create this sample dataset using Python:
import csv
import pandas as pd
counter=range(0, 5000000)
with open(r'C:\myfile\Test.csv', "w", newline='', encoding="utf-8") as fo:
    cwriter = csv.writer(fo, delimiter=";", quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)

Importing data in multiple languages

Hi guys,
Have anyone ever tried to use Import Assistant/ReportReader to import a file which is mainly in English language but also consists foreign languages (Chinese, Japanese eg)? Some data in these foreign languages became unreadable characters in the output. 
Appreciate any inputs on how I can keep them in the original language(s) or any workaround I haven't thought of.

PDF across Page Breaks

I have a PDF I am trying to parse out and have it working pretty good so far except one slight glitch.
See attached example.
Detail line is set to the Employee Name.  
Each Sub Line is on it's own layer as an employee can have any combination of sub lines and I want them to throw into their own columns.
Where I run into an issue is I can have an Employee Name / Sub Lines on Page 1, and the same Employee Name / Different Sub Lines on Page 2.

Print Report Multi-Line Import Difficulties

Hi everyone,
I'm trying to use the print report to import a multi line bank statement. I've attached a redacted example of the source statement.
I can almost manage to import the first column using mutli-line, ending on a defined field, however the third transaction with three lines appears as a single line and the fourth line is merged into line 3. I believe this is because of how I set the traps, though I can't see any other way to approach this. See attached "MULTI LINE - FIRST COLUMN ONLY.jpm"

Excel file with multiple tables on one sheet

Hello IDEA community
I have a large excel file of a client with multiple tables in one sheet. Is it now possible to split all the tables do different IDEA databases?
(I know that there are multiple ways to extract the data an create unique sheets per table but I wonder if there is a pure IDEA solution for that?)Thanks for any answer

PDF Import "J" Issue

Each time I convert an Excel file to PDF to import, and line items that start with a "J" import incorretly.  As an example John Smith will import as J                            ohn Smith, and any number that follows also is moved making trapping impossible.  I've asked around my firm but have yet to find an answer.. any help is great.