MIS Capabilities of IDEA - Banking Case Study

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Brian Element
Joined: 07/11/2012 - 19:57
MIS Capabilities of IDEA - Banking Case Study


IDEA allows its user to categorize, profile, summarize, age, pivot and top record databases. All of which are powerful MIS capabilities and lend tremendous insight into the 'What', 'How', 'When' and 'Why' of business dynamics.
Let us take a sample banking case for illustration.
You have been provided a delimited text file with the following fields -
Customer ID
Customer Name
Borrower Account Number
Loan Type Code
Loan Type Description
Loan Start Date
Loan End Date
Remittance Date
Remittance Amount
Loan Sanctioned Amount
Zone Code
Zone Name
Loan Officer Code
Loan Officer Name
Loan Tenor
Rate of Interest
Monthly Repayment Amount
Credit Score of Loan
Last Instalment Pay Date
Outstanding Amount on Date
With the data above lots of interesting MIS can be gleaned forth -
(a) Zone wise Loan-Product wise Loan-Officer wise Count and Value of Outstanding Amount for delinquent loans (Non Performing Loans) - Summarization (Group on multi fields up to 8 reporting fields)
(b) Aging on Last Instalment Pay Date Product wise or Loan Officer wise or Zone wise to identify the Count and Value of Loans where instalments have not been paid for over 6 months - Aging - Key Value Aging
(c) Top Records reporting to identify top outstanding amounts Product wise or Loan Officer wise or Zone wise - Top Records Extraction
(d) Report on potential clients for cross-selling - standard loans / borrowers who are credit worthy and can be identified for positioning different credit facilities - Pivot Table
(e) ABC analysis on loans remitted or loans sanctioned amount where the ABC intervals could be built to mimic internal approval thresholds. Through Stratification loans can be placed in various buckets to identify Lower Limit Exceptions (LLE) or Upper Limit Exceptions (ULE) i.e. outliers vis-a-vis the internal approval thresholds.
A closer look at the representative cases given above will reveal immense insights into the loan portfolio of the bank including the health of its assets and potentials for future business.
Kind Regards