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Postings from the India IDEA data Analysis software users group


This forum will contian tips from the India IDEA Data Analysis Software Users Group. If you are interested in joining them you can find them on google groups at


Hello. I have a project which requires me to extract a series of dates from a field named TERM_DATE from an uploaded Excel spreadsheet into Idea. The instruction I was given was to use TERM_DATE <> " in the equation editor, which is supposed to extract terminations not equal to blank but returns a Mismatch field type error. The dates are in the dd/mm/yyyy format as they appear in the database, but Idea is set to yyyy/mm/dd format. The extracion fails, I suspect it has to deal with the differnet date formats, and I've tried several times to append the date field to no sccess.

Time difference between 2 date and time values

In a database, there are 4 columns (2 date values i.e. start date and end date and 2 time values i.e. start time and end time). In other dates, start is represented in 2 separate columns (date and time) and end is represented in 2 separate columns (date and time). I want to find the difference between start and end (in number of days upto 2 decimal places) considering both date and time. What would be the equation?
Set AddedField = NewTable.NewField
AddedField.Name = "ChangedOnDateFA"
AddedField.Type = WI_DATE_FIELD
AddedField.Length = 10

To Apply an Import Template

Hello Group Members,
Import Templates allow users to seamlessly and conveniently import Files using Templates developed by any member from an IDEA Team for an organisation using IDEA.
When you import a Print Report or a PDF File in IDEA you receive a *.JPM Import Template File at the end of the Import task.

Choose your Delimiter Correctly - Text File Imports

Hello Group Members,
While importing Text Delimited Files or Comma Separated Value ( CSV ) Files in IDEA you will notice that each File will have a different type of Delimiter. Depending on the Report Design done by the Client IT Reports Group, the Delimiter May vary from a comma, to a colin, semi-colin, space, tilda or carrot.