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Payments to vendors by one users

Hi Brian,
I´m sure you can help me with this.
Have a list of payments to vendors made by users and I would like to extract vendors who have been paid by only one user.
Any simple way to do this in Idea?
Thank you in advance.

Brian Element Wed, 03/16/2016 - 10:05

Hi Fernando,

Yes there is an easy, you can actually use Duplicate Key Detection to do this.  So your key would be vendors and users but in the dialog select "Output Records Without Duplicates", this will extract all the single vendor / users payments.

Another way is to do a summarization by Vendor and User and then extract all transactions that only has 1 as the number of records.

Hope this helps and what you are looking for.  If not let me know.


yongest Wed, 03/16/2016 - 11:50

Hi Brian,
Thank you very much for your help!
I had to summarize twice and I think it worked.  I´m not sure it is the most streamlined approach but kind of work
I think that my question was not very well explained. What I´m trying to find from that payments file is the case that "user 1" creates a bogus vendor,  I´m assuming that only "user 1" is the only user paying to that vendor. That is why I am trying to extract vendors that have been paid only by one user.
The file has thousands of payments (made by thousand of users to thousand of vendors), so using "duplicate key detection" extract too many false positives. Same with summarization and extract.
I summarize by vendor and user and then taking the output file, summarize by vendor again. Those with 1 record are the ones I´m looking for.
Anyhow  I´m not very satisfied with the solution, specially since I´m losing a lot of info from the original fil. If you can think of a nicer solution with "duplicate key" or something like that, please let me know.
Thank you again for your quick reply.

Brian Element Wed, 03/16/2016 - 12:00

In reply to by yongest

Hi Fernando,

Thanks for the clarrification.  That is how you do it, you have to do the summary twice and then extract those with one record.

Good luck with your analysis.


Steven Luciani Wed, 03/23/2016 - 12:03

Hello Fernando,

If I understand your explanation of the data correctly, I think the Duplicate Key Detection "Output Records without Duplicates" will work if your choose both of your key fields: User and Vendor.

You are able to use up to 8 key fields in a duplicate key detection.

Let me know if that works for you.

