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Time series and forecasting

I am writing my dissertation and part of the methods involves forecasting (oil price). Is it possible to get information on the method that IDEA uses to come up with the forecasts? Does it use mean reversion, geometric brownian motion or something else? I will be glad to receive a detailed answer to that effect.

Sunder Gee Fri, 06/03/2016 - 09:28

Maybe you can contact Mark Nigrini for the information. I will PM you his personal email address.

"IDEA’s latest component Advanced Statistical Methods is now available. This component adds three important new functions to IDEA’s already powerful feature set – Correlation, Trend Analysis and Time Series. Development was done in collaboration with Dr. Mark Nigrini, a well-known expert in the application of Benford’s Law and other statistical methods in the detection of fraud and other financial statement irregularities. "