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How to display the Username of the idea user?

Hi Brian,
Hope you are doing good!
I'm trying to export an IMD file to Excel and trying to format the Excel via IDEA.
I want to display User name, Date and input /output file name in the excel file.
I figured out ways to display current date, input and output files names but, unable to find a way to display the username.
When we open History tab we see database, date and username displayed.
Ther must be some way to display the username. If someone know it, please let me know.

Brian Element Tue, 06/21/2016 - 09:49

Hi Sridhar,

What you have to do is get the username from the Project Overview in IDEA as we don't have access to the imd file to get it from there.  Which version of IDEA are you using as they changed the Project Overview database from 8.5 to 9 and 10.  Once I know the version I will post some code for you.


srihaliostar Mon, 06/27/2016 - 06:31

Hi Brian,I'm using IDEA (X86 )
I tried to get some example codes searching in the Language browser but couldn't get any code related to project overview.

Brian Element Wed, 06/29/2016 - 07:33

In reply to by srihaliostar

Hi Sridhar,

Sorry I haven't had a chance to get back to you yet.  Hopefully this evening I will have time to dig out the code for you.


srihaliostar Mon, 07/11/2016 - 05:09

Hi Brian,
I know how busy you must be and really apreciate your effort in helping us.
I can wait for your answer.

Brian Element Mon, 07/11/2016 - 07:46

In reply to by srihaliostar

Hi Sridhar,

Thanks for the reminder.  I will try to get to it tonight.


Brian Element Tue, 07/12/2016 - 20:40

In reply to by srihaliostar

Hi Sridhar

Here you go.  The script will first ask you to select an IDEA file.  It then connects to the project overview database which is a SDF database (microsoft), I use a program called CompactView to view the file.  I then use a SQL query to access the database, for some strange reason when I try and use the WHERE command to only get that file it gives me an error so instead I am loading the entire database into memory and then using a loop to find the filename.  I exclude task type 6 from the loop as that indicate that the IDEA file has been deleted so I ignore those.  Once it finds a match it returns the username and exits the loop.

Hopefully you can adapt this for your own project.

Option Explicit
Dim sFilename As String
Dim sUsername As String
Dim sProjectFolder As String

Sub Main
	sProjectFolder = client.WorkingDirectory
	Call GetFile()
	sUsername =  GetUsername(sFilename)
	MsgBox sUsername
End Sub

Function GetUsername(sTempFile As String) As String
	Dim connStr As String
	Dim objConn As Object
	Dim rs As Object
	Dim eqn As String
	Dim sTempUsername As String
	connStr = "PROVIDER=Microsoft.SQLSERVER.CE.OLEDB.3.5; Data Source=" & sProjectFolder & "ProjectOverview.sdf"
	eqn = "SELECT * "
	eqn = eqn & " FROM Overview "
	'eqn = eqn & " WHERE Filename = 'period 1.IMD'"

	Set objConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") connStr
		Set rs = objConn.execute(eqn)
			Do While Not rs.EOF
				If rs.Fields("Filename") = getFileName(sTempFile, 0) And rs.Fields("TaskType") <> 6 Then
					sTempUsername = rs.Fields("UserName")
					Exit Do
				End If
		Set rs = Nothing
	Set objConn =  Nothing
	GetUsername = sTempUsername
End Function

Function GetFile()
	Dim obj As Object

	Set obj = Client.CommonDialogs

		sFilename = obj.FileExplorer()

	Set obj = Nothing
End Function

Function getFileName(temp_filename As String, temp_type As Boolean) '1 if get the name with any folder info, 0 if only the name
	Dim temp_length As Integer
	Dim temp_len_wd As Integer
	Dim temp_difference As Integer
	Dim temp_char As String
	Dim tempfilename As String
	If temp_type Then
		temp_len_wd  = Len(sProjectFolder)  + 1'get the lenght of the working directory
		temp_length = Len(temp_filename) 'get the lenght of the file along with the working directory
		temp_difference = temp_length - temp_len_wd  + 1'get the lenght of just the filename
		getFileName = Mid(temp_filename, temp_len_wd, temp_difference)	
		temp_length  = Len(temp_filename )
			temp_char = Mid(temp_filename, temp_length , 1)
			temp_length = temp_length  - 1 
			If temp_char <> "\" Then
				tempfilename = temp_char & tempfilename
			End If
		Loop Until temp_char = "\" Or temp_length = 0
		getFileName = tempfilename
	End If
End Function


srihaliostar Fri, 08/05/2016 - 10:11

Hi Brian,I'm very happy with the result. I have never got a chance to explore the project overview.
Thanks for the help. This is what i was expecting.I'm eager to learn more about the ProjectOverview.sdf.
What does the TaskType = 6 means?
Is there some documents which we can use to explore and learn more?

Brian Element Fri, 08/05/2016 - 10:42

Hi Sridhar,

There is no documentation that I know of, I just picked it up by looking around.

The TaskType 6 indicates that the file has been deleted so that is why I exclude those as you could delete a file and then create a new file with the same name, if these are not excluded the query might pick-up the deleted file information instead.

Glad the results worked for you.
