Multiple Drop Down Combo Boxes
I have a dialog that has multiple drop down combo boxes. These combo boxes share a similar attached list and I am trying to figure out a way to prevent the user from selecting the same value on multiple combo boxes. Basically a value can only be used once and I am trying to write the code to check if the user has duplicated a selection. Any advice/help anyone can offer is really appreciated.
Hi Chris,
Hi Chris,
Glad that this helped.
It is strange that the email I received contained more information than what was posted.
You had a question on the problem with:
Dim Preserve files(UBound(files)+1)
The problem is that it should actually be:
ReDim Preserve files(UBound(files)+1)
What happens in the editor is if you don't properly define it somewhere in the code it changes the ReDim to Dim, stupid, but that is what the editor does. So what you are missing somewhere in your global variables is:
Dim files() as string
That should fix the problem, you will have to change the Dim to Redim. Another time this happens is if you have something like this:
Dim files() as string 'this is for function xyz
When the editor sees the word function in the comment it gets confused, so if you are defining an array never use the word function as a comment, I ended up needing the help of IDEA to figure out what the problem was. So this is a known bug that will probably not get fixed as it is not a high priority.
Thank you for the reply.
Thank you for the reply.
I have a quick follow up question for you.
I have been able to use the suggestion to ensure the user does not duplicate selections; however, when the user makes selections I want to set that to a variable. The script will later then print this variable value to a txt file.
The problem I am having is that no matter what it returns a script value of nothing. Here is the function:
Dim Co As String
Dim Jrnl As String
Dim Ref As String
Dim Cntrl As String
Dim ANUM As String
Dim Amt As String
Dim ADate As String
Dim PDate As String
Dim Cntrl2 As String
Dim DDesc As String
Dim Acc As String
Dim ADesc As String
Dim PPF As String
Dim Unadj As String
Dim SubG As String
Dim SubD As String
Dim FIS As String
Dim tablegl As Object
Dim tablewtb As Object
Dim fieldsgl As Integer
Dim fieldswtb As Integer
Dim fieldx As Object
Dim fieldw As Object
Dim keyField(10) As String
Dim wtbField(6) As String
Function DatabaseMap()
Dim DMM As DMMenu
Dim button As Integer
Dim exitDialog As Boolean
Dim Found As Boolean
Dim i As Integer
Dim OneSelected As Boolean
ReDim ListBoxGL$(0)
ReDim ListBoxGLN$(0)
ReDim ListBoxGLD$(0)
For i =1 To fieldsgl
Set fieldx=tablegl.getfieldat(i)
If fieldx.ischaracter Then
ReDim preserve ListBoxGL$(UBound(ListBoxGL$)+2)
End If
If fieldx.isnumeric Then
ReDim preserve ListBoxGLN$(UBound(ListBoxGLN$)+2)
End If
If fieldx.isdate Then
ReDim preserve ListBoxGLD$(UBound(ListBoxGLD$)+2)
End If
Next i
ReDim ListBoxWTB(0)
ReDim ListBoxWTBN$(0)
For i =1 To fieldswtb
Set fieldw=tablewtb.getfieldat(i)
If fieldw.ischaracter Then
ReDim preserve ListBoxWTB(UBound(ListBoxWTB)+2)
End If
If fieldw.isnumeric Then
ReDim preserve ListBoxWTBN$(UBound(ListBoxWTBN$)+2)
End If
Next i
Call sortArray(ListBoxGL$())
Call sortArray(ListBoxGLN$())
Call sortArray(ListBoxGLD$())
Call sortArray(ListBoxWTB$())
Call sortArray(ListBoxWTBN$())
Select Case button
Case 1 'User done with mapping
If FIS="" Then
MsgBox "Please enter first Income Statement subgroup number"
End If
For i = 1 To 10
If keyField(i)="Select one" Then
MsgBox "Please select a field for each reference", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, "Error"
GoTo CheckDup
End If
Next i
If checkForDuplicateRows() Then
MsgBox "You cannot use the same field twice for the General Ledger File", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, "Error"
If OneSelected=TRUE Then
End If
End If
For i = 1 To 6
If wtbField(i)="Select one" Then
MsgBox "Please select a field for each reference", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, "Error"
GoTo CheckDup2
End If
Next i
If checkForDuplicateRowsWTB() Then
MsgBox "You cannot use the same field twice for the Working Trail Balance File", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, "Error"
If OneSelected=TRUE Then
End If
End If
Case 0
Exit Function
End Select
Loop While exitDialog=FALSE
Call CreateProjectFile()
End Function
Function CreateProjectFile()
Dim fso As Object
Dim filepath As String
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim Fileout As Object
Set Fileout = fso.CreateTextFile("C:\FTG\CRTB\Project Files\"& ProjectName &" Project File.txt",True, True)
filepath="C:\FTG\CRTB\Project Files\"& ProjectName &" Project File.txt"
Open filepath For Output As #2
Print #2, ProjectName
Print #2, typeField
Print #2, filegl
Print #2, filewtb
Print #2, ""
Print #2, Co
Print #2, Jrnl
Print #2, Ref
Print #2, Cntrl
Print #2, ANUM
Print #2, Amt
Print #2, ADate
Print #2, PDate
Print #2, Cntrl2
Print #2, DDesc
Print #2, ""
Print #2, Acc
Print #2, ADesc
Print #2, PPF
Print #2, Unadj
Print #2, SubG
Print #2, SubD
Print #2, FIS
Close #2
MsgBox "Project File succesfully created!"
End Function
Hi Chris,
Hi Chris,
Why don't you use the Scripting.FileSystemObject to print to the file?
So remove the filepath="C:\FTG\CRTB\Project Files\"& ProjectName &" Project File.txt"
Open filepath For Output As #2
And change the print #2 to Fileout.WriteLine("ProjectName")
Then change the Close #2 to FileOut.Close and that should work.
Hi Chris,
Hi Chris,
Ok, I looked at your script a bit closer and realized what you were trying to do and why it is not working.
In IDEAScript there are two types of variables, local and global. Global can be seen and used by the entire script and local can only be used within the function they are defined. In your case all the variables you are using in the CreateProjectFile function have been defined at a local level but within a different function, so the CreatProjectFile function does not have access to them. Now there are several ways for you to get around this, probably the easiest is to take all those variables and change them to global variable but placing them before the sub main function. Another way is to move your CreatProjectFile code into the function that is used to optain all those variables. There are other ways to get around this but these two suggestions are probably the easiest and quickest to implement.
Hope this helps.
Hi Chris,
Hi Chris,
You might want to check out my Same-Same-Same test as it has the user select multiple fields but not allow them to select the same field twice -
I basically put the selections in an array and then loop through the array checking to see if an item has been used twice, if so I give an error and ask the user to correct it.
Here is the looping code.
' Name: checkForDuplicateRows
' Description: Routine to validate the each field in the dropdown is only picked once.
' Accepts: nothing
' returns: returns true with the field is selected twice
Function checkForDuplicateRows() As Boolean
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
checkForDuplicateRows = false
For i = 1 To 8
If keyField(i) <> "" Then
For j = 1 To 8
If keyField(j) <> "" Then
If i <> j Then
If keyField(i) = keyField(j) Then
checkForDuplicateRows = true
End If
End If
End If
Next j
End If
Next i
End Function
It check to make sure that a user has made a selection as only the first selection box needs to be selected. It then compares that it hasn't been selected twice but it skips if it is the same item (if i <> j).
Hopefully this will help you out a bit.