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Importing of PDF Files

Hello everyone.
I am working on importing a PDf file into IDEA for a client.  When I open up the file in Adobe Reader, the columns align under the column titles and the report looks nice and formatted.
However, when it goes through the Report Reader in IDEA, the data in the columns appears to shift and it does not looks as aligned as it was in Adobe Reader.  I tried to use the floating trap approach with this file, but did not have much success.
When I open the file in Monarch, the columns stay properly aligned. 
My question is does this occur often in IDEA with PDF files?  The same thing happens all of the time in ACL with PDF files, almost to the point that I tell my ACL clients to try to avoid getting PDF files as their source data files.
I would be curious for thoughts and to know if this happens in IDEA frequently.
Thanks so much for your help!
Warm regards,

mkeiffer33 Sat, 10/01/2016 - 19:57

Hi Brian,
Thanks so much for the quick response.  I will give that shot and see what happens.  
Plan B would be to import the entire row of data (each record) and then do computed fields to try to parse the data.
Thanks again!Mike

mkeiffer33 Sat, 10/01/2016 - 20:12

You are Da Man!  I followed your instructions to the letter and to quote you: "It worked like a charm!"  
Thanks so much!

mkeiffer33 Sat, 10/01/2016 - 21:03

Hi Brian,
I downloaded the driver from this website -
This seemed to work pretty well, but I am thinking about perhaps investing in Adobe Standard, as I think that program also comes with the Adobe printer driver.
Thanks again!